Saving Lives For The Life Of Your Building™
From an office in New Jersey
To see how we can help, let us know which category you identify with:

Designers, developers, owners reps or anyone responsible for the project for the life of the building. There are a few ways we can help your team reduce liability. It can range from full project support to a combination of training your team and helping them along we want to help you with the right level of support to provide the maximum results for your project

If you are a GC or trades who self perform firestop, you should stay on top of the codes and you should develop a plan before every project that will help keep your firestop on track so it’s not a problem at the end of the job. This could be a consultant who assumes the risk you want to avoid or training so your team can build better or something in between. Let's talk and see what works best for you.

Whether your job is quality control, jurisdictional inspector or special inspector of firestop, we have training that will help you look at firestop differently so you can help projects reduce risk regardless of the construction type such as wood framed, hollow core, fluted deck, CLT and so many more variations that can impact the firestop solutions a project will need.

If you are responsible for protecting your clients either legally or by offering them the appropriate insurance, you will find value in knowing more about firestop, codes, standards and what to look for when you are dealing with various different construction types or occupancy types.

In firestop since 99 started HLS Feb 28, 2011

We can support projects across the globe

Improved life safety on over 26 million sq. ft. of project

Worked on over $20 Billion worth the projects around the world

Saving Lives for the LIFE OF YOUR BUILDING™

Would you like help to ensure the project team is going to get the firestop right, we can offer many levels of support. Our dream client understands the importance of life safety and they want to be able to pass the responsibility to someone else. If that sounds like an option you’d like, lets talk about how much support your team needs. It could be a large scope or a small one, the key thing is that you want to do things right. Please visit out consulting page for more information

Do you want an easier way to hold your your team accountable? The easiest way is to ensure they know the building codes, project specifications and the critical elements that are unique to your project. We have a growing array of firestop training programs that are available on demand. We can curate project specific training, or we can couple on demand training with workshops to reinforce learning or to apply to your specific project. Please visit our training page for more information.

QA/QC Specialty Inspections
Getting firestop right is important on every project. If your team could use some help, we can provide several levels of support ranging from QAQC to a complete third party special inspection of a project. This would comply with ASTM E2174 and ASTM E2393.
Contact us so we can curate the support your team needs.