Difference between a fire barrier and a smoke barrier 

Do you know the difference between a fire barrier and a smoke barrier? If you were running an assembly through the paces of the fire test, which one do you think has to do more? 

Most people would assume that the fire barrier has to out perform the smoke barrier but if you are working on a project that HAS smoke barriers it is important that you understand the difference so I will give you the quick answer.  

Any kind of fire rated assembly (horizontal or wall assembly) has to pass ASTM E119/UL263, and fire rated joints and penetrations have to be tested to those standards but a smoke barrier needs to meet all those requirements AND one more.  

Before the assembly is thrown on the furnace and burned for the test, the joint or the firestop penetration has to be tested for air leakage. They test at ambient (the temperature in the room) and then as 400F above ambient and the firestop system is given what is called an L rating.  The code requires that the L rating of the fire rated joints and the penetrations meet 714.5.4 

Are you checking this on your project?  If you aren’t, you are creating a liability for your firm. If you want to learn more about this, please reach out.