
Okay so before we talk about firestop I have to throw this out here.  

THIS  my  friends is NOT a garbage can.  Please be respectful of the others on your side. If you throw trash in here the electricians can pull their cables the same way.  

I heard on one project of a pipe that was pressurized and because someone put a plastic pop/soda bottle in the open end of a pipe rather than in the trash, the plastic bottle acted like a rocket inside the pressurized pipe. It had a bit of a run to pick up momentum and then when it hit an elbow it blew out the pipe.  

I have teen age boys, and I talk to them regularly about the consequences of their actions. There are things you can imagine, and then there are things that you just cant picture, until it is too late.  

This is one of those things. I am sure the person who put the bottle in the pipe was just looking for a convenient disposal. I don’t think they wanted to cause a problem or potentially injure someone.  

So, if you work on a construction site. Act like an adult, or better yet, act like a kindergarten kid they know where garbage belongs.  

Thank you for taking the time with this public service announcement… aka Sharrons Rant We will resume the previously scheduled discussion about firestop tomorrow. Please join us once again. Same bat time, same bat channel.