Avoid these key mistakes on head of wall firestop
If your project has smoke barriers, do you review the firestop submittals to ensure they meet the code requirements?
If your structural engineer expects movement in your buildings, do you know that your firestop systems can accommodate that movement?
If you use firestop sealants in your rated joints, do you know the top five things to look for to ensure its installed right?
If you use firestop spray do you know the 4 universal rules of firestop spray or the 6 universal rules of mineral wool that is always used with firestop sprays or tapes.
If you say no to any of these and you are a drywall contractor, inspector, architect or GC I want to personally invite you to join me for this class, engage in a lively discussion and just maybe change the way you build. If you want to build better~ we want to help! ™
Class link- https://firestop-coffee-break-training.mykajabi.com/firefoam-understanding-the-right-materials