Today we are continuing the discussion about the difference between Firestopping, fire proofing and fire blocking.
The biggest difference is that solutions for firestop and fireproofing come in the form of assemblies that are tested and listed solutions. The applications are expected to be installed the same way they were tested.
Fireblocking is not tested as part of a system.
The code lists a number of solutions for fireblocking materials and then it has this “or approved material” option and often that means AHJ’s have to decide if they will approve a polyurethane foam.
This is a choice that needs to be made by AHJ’s and if you aren’t clear on whether or not to allow it, or if you just want to better understand why your jurisdiction won’t allow it then I would like to invite you to join me for a firestop coffee break training that was created following a fire in my state.
The fire lead me down a rabbit hole of research. As I learned more about how the products achieve the approval that it currently has, I got angry . The more I learned, the more my fury grew. I had to dig for months to find the answers and that is with the access to people in the industry that most people don’t know how to find.
How is the busy architect, GC or building inspector supposed to find the time to spend months digging?
Well, thanks to my frustration, I decided to make this information available to you.
If you want to learn more about fireblocking, please join me for this Firestop Coffee Break Training that will expose the “modified ASTM E814 fire test” that so many rely on when they allow the material on their projects.
If you sign up this month you can get 25% off this training by using coupon code FURY.