Patching Rated Walls: How One Jurisdiction Handles It (Part 3)
You have all heard the whole, “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” line from way back when? Even before that, you have likely heard of the fire at the MGM Grand in 1980 where 85 people died and over 600 were injured. Well, the changes made to the building department in the years since, are lessons that shouldn’t be part of what stays in Vegas. They should be adopted by other jurisdictions. Today, I’ll discuss one such point related to patching rated walls.
Clark County Building Department covers the Las Vegas Strip and they take life safety seriously. I know you do too, but they take it to a higher level that you might want to explore further. They actually have a FIELD INSPECTION GUIDELINE that tells, not only field inspectors, but also builders and facilities maintenance teams how they should be patching rated walls if they want to pass inspections.
Have a look at it and let me know what you think. Are you doing something similar to this? If you aren’t, do you think it’s time to revisit how patches are made and what changes might be needed?
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help.