If you Want to Build Better, We Want to Help!™
These are not just words, these are promises. If you work in construction and you want to build better buildings and better teams, then we should talk. We invite you to take a little time to look through our website and get to know us, then please schedule a call so we can get to know you.
We want to know about your challenges, your projects, your teams and we can talk about what we can do to support your firm. As you look through this site, you will see there are several different ways we can do this and they might vary depending on your roles and responsibilities on a project and the types of projects.
If your company values keeping your team educated on the changes in the industry (at least related to firestop and passive fire protection), we can help.
If your team takes pride in the workmanship of their projects, we can help.
If your team is working on projects that have a high degree of potential liability, we can help.
If you are wondering how, please schedule a time to chat
Our services are designed specifically for each of the following:
Who We Work With
- Building Owners
- Construction Managers
- Developers
- General Contactors
- Real Estate Professionals
- Inspectors
- Quality Control
- Legal Teams
- Insurance Teams

Let’s See How We Can Help Your Team?
Our consulting services include professional support with the following:
- Building codes
- Value engineering and cost-saving design suggestions
- Troubleshooting difficult firestop solutions
- Quality control
- Other steps that ensure that the firestop installations on your project are code compliant
Training & Education
Regardless of the size of your project or the size of your budget, if you want to build better, we have training to support your team.
So many professionals hire coaches to help them improve faster than they can on their own. If your projects have challenges with firestop, we can help in many different ways.
Please visit out training page to learn more and of course if you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Special Inspection of Firestop
Since the adoption of the 2012 IBC special inspection of firestop has been mandate by the building code in high rise, risk Category III and IV buildings and Class 1 buildings and with the 2021 IBC Group R with occupancy over 250. Developers and architects are responsible for ensuring the individual doing this scope is capable and qualified. If you have any questions, we are happy to help you understand the requirements.
If your project needs support with quality assurance or quality control, we can serve as an extra set of hands and eyes or we can train your team to include this in their roles and responsibilities. This can include pre-construction planning, training, QAQC scope, code consulting and much more. If your team needs more support, please reach out LET’S DISCUSS HOW WE CAN HELP.
If your legal team is responsible for ensuring a build team complies with the array of changes to codes and standards, or just follows the information in the specifications we can help guide the questions you might ask from pre-con to post-con and everything in between.
Insurance investigators and legal teams are well served when they have a resource to consult as questions arise during investigations. If you want to know more, go here.
If you are working on a high occupancy project or if the project owner has other reasons for wanting to mitigate risk related to the terrorism, the SAFETY Act might be a unique opportunity. Go to this page to learn more.

There are three offers- free, low cost and big ticket services. What works best for your project and your team is something to consider but as you do, think about how you want your team to perform. Are you okay with the status quo, or do you think there is room for improvement? If there is room for improvement how are you going to get there. You cal learn as you go, that is what most do. But if you want to be a high calibur team you are going to need some help to elicit the change required. Think about people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Jackman. They all hired coaches to improve some aspect of their work. Take your favorite professional sport. How many coaches do they have? Often they have one for each element they need in their game.
Do you want to be a high calibur team? Do you want to improve your game when it comes to firestop? If you do, we want to support you. Let’s talk
Free training- Pro’s- no money Con’s- no guidance

Firestop Coffee Break Training- Low cost and low guidance

Customized training- higher cost- powerful lasting impact

We have free training and loads of resources from our blog posts to Linked in, to articles we have written for a variety of different publications and even out You Tube channel all provide free resources you are encouraged to learn from.
We have worked with projects that are:
Wood Framed


Mass Timber

G500 Floor Ceiling Assemblies

Hollow Core Planks

We have worked on Hospital, Residential, Hospitality, Aviation, Commercial, Power Plants, Data Centers, Telecommunication, Laboratory, Sports Venues, and so much more