Special Inspection of Firestop
Firestop special inspection is required to be performed on High Risk, Risk Category III and IV buildings, Class 1 Buildings and Group R with an occupancy over 250.
The architect and the owners representative are responsible for ensuring the individual conducting this work is capable and qualified and they are also responsible for reviewing the inspection reports.
Too many special inspection firms are adding firestop to their scope of work without knowing enough about the requirements that are called out in the inspection standards. This can create a liability on
No major construction project can be completed without passing multiple inspections, and one of those inspections will cover firestop. Failing a firestop inspection can impact the project schedule, budget and ultimately degrade the level of life safety. It can impact a firms reputation and level of liability.
Guess what, so can hiring an unqualified individual to conduct special inspection.
Does your Firestop Special Inspection Firm conform with the ICC Best Practices? If you want to know more we can help.
We have two trainings on special inspection of firestop. Please join us for this class if you want to know when it is required CTA for this link https://firestop-coffee-break-training.mykajabi.com/offers/t2YWAzzN/checkout, or if you already know that firestop is going to need a special inspector, please join us for this class where we will explain how to verify and document that the individual on your project meets the requirements of the codes and standards. https://firestop-coffee-break-training.mykajabi.com/offers/EqLadPy2/checkout
Alternately, we have prepared a video series that will explain the responsibility of the architect and the building official. Additionally, they will provide a way to see if your special inspection firm meets the best practice or at least code requirements.
The architect and the building official are both responsible for verifying that the special inspector has a body of knowledge related to firestop that they are qualified and capable. Here are some videos that explain the ICC recommended best practice for architects and for building officials. Here is information about a test that can be required if you wish. If you would like a document that can help you verify if the individual is capable and qualified, email me and we will send you just what you need; because even if you don’t bring us on to your team, we still want you to be sure whoever you have, is doing it right.
Here are a few things to think about. Did your last special inspector review the project submittals? Do they have the submittals on site when they do the inspection? Do they provide you with detailed reports identifying what element of the UL listed assembly is non-compliant? Do they include the penetration count in their reports so they are quantifying their activity? There are a few hints that they may be creating a liability for your project and not following ASTM E2174 or ASTM E2393.
Our focus on everything we do:
- Save lives, in the event of a fire
- Protect first-responders while doing their job
- Protect the building
- Protect the building inventory
- Meet or exceed all codes, standards, and specifications related to firestop
- Mitigate liability for the building owner, the contractor, and all involved trades.
HLS Consulting’s inspection services include:
- Review of plans, specifications, project submittals that will impact firestop installations
- Conduct pre-construction meetings that will drive the collaboration of your team
- Inspection of through penetration firestop according to the ASTM E 2174 Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops
- Inspection of Construction Rated Joints according to the ASTM E 2393 Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Resistive Joint Systems
- Inspection of Perimeter Containment Firestop according to the ASTM E 2393 Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Resistive Joint Systems and Perimeter Fire Barriers
Additional Inspection Services
- Fire Barrier review during tenant changes for residential or office spaces
- Inspection before purchasing a building. This will in many cases allow you to demand a lower cost because of the expense of bringing the building up to current codes
- Hospitals benefit from assistance with maintaining their SOC for JCAHO
- Hospitals can also benefit from our reviewing the facility prior to JCAHO inspection to ensure there are no surprises related to firestop