Smoke Barrier Part 2

Yesterday I gave you the first step on how to tackle smoke barriers. That was...

How to Plan a Project with Smoke Barriers

A few weeks ago, I did a post about smoke barriers. Not long after I...

Flashback Friday

If you work in healthcare construction you know that it is unique in the construction...

The Escutcheon fix doesnt work on Smoke Barriers

There is one time that the code will not allow a membrane penetration of a...

You don’t ALWAYS have to firestop a fire sprinkler pipe

What if the sprinkler pipe runs from one room into another and the sprinkler head...

Does an Escutcheon fix the problem…or NOT?

Yesterday we talked about a plumber that misinterpreted a code section that was designed for...

March 2023 Lessons in Firestop: Deciphering Firestop Details for Metal Pipes

You might think that firestopping metal pipes is easy to get right, but our expert,...

Be Careful What Assuptions You Make. They might be wrong.

In my line of work I was often “the bearer of bad news”. When the...

Women In Construction Week, 2023

We find ourselves in the middle of WIC WEEK.   I want to celebrate all the...

Shout out to Laura Tameron

When I started in construction it often seemed like there were two types of women...