Mass Timber Conference- HERE I COME! 

Next week I will be in Portland Oregon at the Mass Timber Conference. If you...

More on Mass Timber 

Here is another great educational tid bit for those of you who want to learn...

Firestop in Mass Timber Construction 

I remember when I first hear about mass timber being adopted into the 2021 IBC....

Flashback Friday 

Since we spent the week talking about different fire resistance rated assemblies, it seems only...

Flashback Friday 

If you make this mistake, you will be LUCKY if your fire sprinklers leak.    Before...

Shout out to Laura Tameron

When I started in construction it often seemed like there were two types of women...

Flashback Friday 

Imagine you have a catastrophic fire loss on your building.   You pay your insurance BUT...

Flashback Friday 

Here is a part 4 of a blog post from 2016 that we wanted to...