When I hear those words I always wonder if the person is using the right phrase because a fire wall and a rated wall are NOT the same thing. Fire walls are super robust walls and they are required to have enough integrity that if there is a fire, the building can completely collapse on one side of the wall and the other side of the building is fine. This photo is a perfect example of a fire wall after a fire.
You can see how important this wall is not only in this photo but also in this video where you can see how a properly built fire wall saved these fire fighters, the entire crew and their families from a really bad day. If this wall was not built properly there could be a very different story.
If you are in construction and you are responsible for building these walls, or firestopping them, please pay very close attention to how they are built because this is a huge liability if it is done wrong.
PS: don’t stencil “fire wall” if its not a fire wall. Maybe it’s a “fire rated wall”