UL Nomenclature: Test Yourself!
(#6 in a Series)
Now, let’s see how well you can put this new UL Nomenclature information to use when you are in the field. Picture yourself in the field. You are looking at various applications and I want to know this. What nomenclature are you going to be looking for with each of these scenarios?
1) You have a plastic sprinkler pipe going through a rated gypsum wall. What detail should you be looking for?
- This one is easy. Remember the rated assembly is going to be the letters so let’s start there. The options are W, F and C…this is a wall so the first letter is W. It is a framed gypsum wall so it is a WL detail. Next, we look at the through penetration. It’s plastic, so that is automatically the 2000 series details. Great work! You need a WL-2000 series system for this application!
2) Let’s get a little more complicated here and have a cast iron pipe through a concrete floor.
- For this one, let’s start with the number, which you now know will be a 1000 series detail. The letters will mean you have two options the first option; it could be an F detail since it is a floor or it could be a C detail since it is concrete and C details can be used both for concrete floors and for walls. Because the C details cover more versatile applications, they are going to be used more regularly; but don’t forget that the F details might also be applicable. The test for floors and walls is a little different, but that is a LONG story for another day. We are trying to stay basic here for now.
Your C-Combination detail will likely be CAJ (because it is most commonly used). You remember from our previous blog post (See bullets below) that A means that the floor is 5” or less. However please remember this, if you have a 10” deck you can still use a CAJ detail. You can have MORE concrete and still be compliant, but if you have a CBJ detail you cannot use this detail when you have a metal deck with 2-1/2” of concrete.
- A = Concrete floors less than or equal to 5 inches thick
- B = Concrete floors greater than 5 inches thick
If you want to test yourself further just grab a submittal on your project and use it on your next field walk. If you have questions about any of this feel free to email me. I’m happy to help you understand this better, because it will only improve the industry. If you find this information useful, please do two things: 1) let me know 2) share this with your team. If there is a topic you would like me to cover, then by all means email me and I will see what I can do for you. You did great on this little quiz; now let’s see what you can do in the field. Keep me posted and let me know.
You know that if you have a cable and a pipe in one opening you must use an 8000 series detail, but what if you have a cable through a rated joint? What sort of detail do you use in that case? If you want to know, contact us and we will send you the answer.
Secret Tips:
Create a diagram of questions to ask. For example:
You might be looking at any detail, but for the sake of discussion it is a conduit through a rated block wall.
You ask: “Which detail did you use?”
Blank look means installer is not using details. Then ask for a copy of the submittals. Get ready for a lot of hit or miss quality of work from this contractor.
If they say: “CAJ1000”– great you can then ask what material they used, what the min/max annular space is, sealant depth, backing material they used and what depth, sleeve requirements or allowances and be ready for a knowledgeable installer (another valid response might be “WJ1000.”)
If you ask an installer, “What material are you using?” and they say, “uh, this stuff” and show you a tube or pail then they likely can’t tell you if it is intumescent or non-intumescent. This means they don’t know when to use which material. They likely wont know the necessary sealant depth or annular space requirements or the myriad other specifics that are needed to ensure a firestop installation is compliant with the submitted details.
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Halpert Life Safety Consulting LLC’s
“Saving Lives for the Life of your Building” TM
Our mission is to make a colossal impact on the level of life safety of your building and on the talent of your people. We provide consultation, training, quality control and third party special inspection related to firestop and passive fire protection. We consult for the building industry in the New York/New Jersey (NY/NJ) metropolitan area, as well as across the United States and internationally.