Note to architects
If you are an architect or you support architects in ANY WAY, please read this note to architects and share it with anyone you think will find this valuable.
I was looking at a new set of plans, specifically the plans for the stairs.
There was a notes section, and I wanted to add one note that would say:
No penetrations into or through exit stairs that do not serve a purpose.
Note to architects: When reviewing plans, always ensure that exit stairwells are free of unnecessary penetrations to comply with safety codes.
I instruct people on this in a rather silly way (because I like to have fun even when things are important). You look at a penetration and you ask it one question:
What are you doing here? What is your purpose? Then you need to identify what purpose it is serving inside that stairwell.
You may have sprinkler lines, but they need to have a head serving the space or be a riser.
You will have power for lights, but you should not have a bank of conduit that runs through.
Note to architects: It’s crucial to ensure that HVAC ducts and stair pressurization designs are purposeful and don’t violate safety codes.
You may have stair pressurization ducts, depending on the design of the project.
Plumbers, keep your stuff out of the stairs.
PS – this is a code requirement, and it applies to shafts as well!