More on Compartmentation
In case you have not realized the importance of compartmentation or if you just want...

High Rise Construction- special issues need special codes
I just found a new website- Fire Safe North America. I pulled this from their home...

What’s this firestop stuff?
On this blog the primary thing we talk about is firestop. Maybe because that is what...

What’s this firestop stuff?
On this blog the primary thing we talk about is firestop. Maybe because that is what...

What’s this firestop stuff?
On this blog the primary thing we talk about is firestop. Maybe because that is what...

Law suit involving sprinkler industry
This article discusses a Miami lawsuit involving plastic sprinkler pipes. People in the firestop industry have known...

Why you should know more about how firestop is tested.
Understanding more about HOW firestop is tested will help you understand what is important when...

Why you should know more about how firestop is tested.
Understanding more about HOW firestop is tested will help you understand what is important when...