How to Plan a Project with Smoke Barriers
A few weeks ago, I did a post about smoke barriers. Not long after I got an email from a guy who had been in one of my classes. He was putting the training to work on a project and had questions.
I can’t tell you how much I love when people who want to build better, reach out for help.
So, if you have smoke barriers on your projects please follow along this week because I want to help clarify what you can do EARLY in your project, so you don’t run into a pickle with smoke barriers.
There are 4 basic steps to take, and I will walk you through them this week.
Step 1: Look at your plans and identify your smoke barriers. Keep in mind the are not just walls. They could be horizontal assemblies as well. This seems like a simple task, but often it is not; so, I will leave you with this first task and check back tomorrow for step 2.
To be a little more clear, if I were working with you, I would want to know the type of wall assembly and the type of floor assemblies you have that are smoke barriers. A list would be great! Don’t forget to include the hourly ratings on your list. That will come in handy on Thursday.
If you have any questions, comments, please post here so we can all learn together.
#BuildBetter #FirestopCoffeeBreakTraining #SmokeBarrier