Join us for a new workshop!
May 1, 2023 | | Firestop- Electrical and Low Voltage Contractors, Firestop- Mechanical Contractors, Firestop- Plumbing Contractors, Firestop- Sprinkler Contractors, Firestopping for Glazing Industry, Firestopping for Rated Joints – Masons and Drywallers, General Firestop Information, Insurance, Protecting Grease Ducts, Tall Timber
What if you could reduce your firestop issues? What would that take?
Its not that hard really, it just takes a little planning.
If would like to know more please join us for our first ever Firestop Preconstruction Workshop, May 25th 2023
Reserve your spot now, just head to this link to register: https://firestop-coffee-break-training.mykajabi.com/offers/C5SWkafH/checkout/expired