Prohibited Penetrations- If you need one.

Does your project have pressurized stairwells? If so, prohibited penetrations could impact your next project....

Penetrations in gypsum shaft walls

Does your project have gypsum shaft walls? If so, please DO NOT make this mistake....

Modern furniture

Modern furniture burns much faster than furniture used when our current fire test standards were...

Educode- Firestop Special Inspection

Are you coming to Educode? Join me Wednesday after lunch for this class. #BuildBetter #FirestopCoffeeBreakTraining  

E-Bike Fire Risks: A Growing Threat to Safety

If your family has one of these, even if it’s new, be aware of E-Bike...

Be careful what you ask for…

You have heard that before, right? Well, I was teaching a class last year, and...

Chair Fly Your Firestop: Preparing for Every Scenario

What if you taught your firestop installers to chair fly? They don’t need to imagine...

Do you have a family emergency plan?

When my kids were 6 and 8 I had spoken to a friend about a...

Flashback Friday

I have been posting in our blog since 2025. It’s time for a flashback Friday....