What Exactly is a BEAD of FIRESTOP?

If you have been following this blog, then at this point you are well aware...

What Makes Firestop Different from other Sealants?

Here is another blog post for Adhesives and Sealants group. Have a read here and let me...

Inspecting firestop- Can you see the issue?

This is a 1-hour wall that separates an exit corridor from a condo unit. We...

Inspecting firestop- Can you see the issue?

This is a 1-hour wall that separates an exit corridor from a condo unit. We...

Red is Right?!?

The latest blog from ACS is carrying one the discussion of firestop history and the...

History of Firestop

I’ve been invited to write for a blog at adhesives.org. This one is on the...

Protecting Cables in Rated Assemblies

Here is a great article by a fellow blogger and fire code junkie. I hope you...


**Pet Peeve Warning**  If you refer to all rated walls as Firewalls.   PLEASE STOP!  There...

Continual Point Contact on Combustibles = Failure

Last post we talked about how insufficient annular space and/or sealant depth can have a...

Understanding Hose Stream Test- Part 3 Annular Space and Sealant Depth

Hose Stream part 3 annular space and sealant depth Now that you understand the hose...