What are W ratings in firestop details?
Have you ever wondered what a W rating is when dealing with firestop. This is...

Firestop Hollow Core Concrete- Part 1
You MUST Read This Blog Series on how to firestop Hollow Core Concrete Project. Hollow...

Hollow Core Concrete Firestopping- Part 2
In our last post we discussed the firestop requirements for penetrations through hollow core concrete...

Block Outs and Firestopping
Welcome back to our discussion about block outs and firestopping hollow core concrete. If you...

Firestopping Hollow Core Concrete- Part 4
We are almost done with our discussion on firestopping Hollow Core Concrete projects, but we...

You are Building in a Seismic Zone? Read this for Part 2 of 2
Our last blog post discussed clearance requirements for sprinkler pipes when you are building in...

You are Building in a Seismic Zone? Read this. Part 1 of 2
Are you building in a Seismic Zone? If so, are you aware that there is...