
Black Friday Deal

Does your project require special inspection of firestop? If it does, how do you evaluate the...

Happy Thanksgiving

To all my US connections- I hope you have fabulous plans for Thanksgiving. We are...

Black Friday Special #1

Are you working on multi-family residential projects, senior living, hotels, dorms, or any building that...

Special Inspection of Firestop

Staying on top of the codes can be a challenge so lets talk about something...

ASPE July 2022

Staying on top of the codes can be a challenge so let's talk about something...

Goldilocks and the Plumber- the Horror Story 

Goldilocks and the Plumber- the Horror Story, just in time for Halloween. I hope you...

More from Advancing Construction Quality

I went to Phoenix for a conference and met many amazing people. It was a...

The Case for Single-Sourcing Firestop Products

Firestop should always be single sourced with one manufacturer, and this brings us to the...

Fire Rated Expansion Joint Assemblies

These are poorly installed WAY too often. Most of the time its because of a...

Fire Prevention Week

I missed my regular Fire Prevention Week posts. So here we are, a little late...