The Escutcheon fix doesnt work on Smoke Barriers
There is one time that the code will not allow a membrane penetration of a fire sprinkler to be protected with just an escutcheon. That is our topic for today.
If you have a penetration in a Smoke Barrier (our topic a few weeks back)
Then the building code requires the system to be capable of providing an L rating. Unless your escutcheon was tested to provide an L rating, you are going to have an issue with code compliance.
I hope this week has helped you but we are not quite done yet. Please check back tomorrow because our Flashback Friday will cover one more important topic that will help you reduce your liability, or you can just pop into our firestop 101 for fire sprinkler training and we will cover all this and SO MUCH MORE. Here is the link – https://firestop-coffee-break-training.mykajabi.com/offers/VvNbp976/checkout If you want your whole team to learn together, we do offer group discounts and discounts for AHJ’s. Reach out if you want more info. Please share this with others who want to build better.
#BuildBetter #FirestopCoffeeBreakTraining #FireSprinkler