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You don’t ALWAYS have to firestop a fire sprinkler pipe

What if the sprinkler pipe runs from one room into another and the sprinkler head...

Does an Escutcheon fix the problem…or NOT?

Yesterday we talked about a plumber that misinterpreted a code section that was designed for...

Firestop at Head of Wall Joints

Firestop at head of wall joints seems like a basic installation, but this video is...

How to properly patch a two hour rated wall.

Welcome back. We are still hunkered down in the Halpert Home and still talking about...

How are you patching your 1 hour rated walls?

Today’s Topic- How do you properly patch a one hour rated wall? Hi everyone. I...

Firestop Movement New Test Criteria

Have you ever wondered if building movement may impact a firestop installations ability to perform?...


If you have been following this blog for a while you are likely familiar with...

NFPA 285- Test for exterior facades

If you have a building in your community that has an exterior face of aluminum...

UL Future Built Forum- Exterior Facade Flamability- Global Overview

Do you want to take a look at exterior facades on a global scale. This...

UL Future Built Forum- Combustible Facades

There has been a great deal of discussion about the exterior facades of buildings and...
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